
预定日期 22年 9月17日星期六早10点到午5点,报名人数最少10人才开课。

地点:展厅 55 Genting Lane  Sing349563


课程 :基本理論,欣赏树,材料选择培育,泥土,阳光,浇水,肥料,盆。

实习:供给每人一棵小型盆景(干径1-2cm,高15-30cm,一個盆景盆, 赤玉土,铝线,引导学员修剪枝叶根整形换土上盆然后自带回家。请看树材样本. 有趣报名者请打 88091161

Basic Bonsai 1 day course to be conducted in Mandarin and English by President Lim Keow Wah  of Singapore Penjing And Stone Appreciation Society. 

Tentative date :17th Sept 22 Sat. 10am to 5pm, to start  with minimum 10 candidates . Venue : exhibition hall 55 Genting Lane  Sing 349563.

fee :$100 Course content: basic theory,  appreciation of tree, selection and growing material, soil, sunlight, watering, fertiliser, pot. 

Hands on: each will be given a small bonsai (trunk dia 1-2cm, Ht 15-30cm) a bonsai pot, aluminium wire, Akadama soil. Will be guided to trim, leaves, brances, roots to shape, change soil and to repot. Each to bring home the plant material . See plant example attached, Interested to register please call 88091161

基本盆景课 Basic Bonsai Course


黄花盾木Libidibia ferra