香松/岗松: 桃金娘科分布于中国南部和,东南亚 各地山丘和沿海。多呈小灌木状, 在低平原岛边最高可达6米,但在岛顶老化成老盆景树形最高只30公分。 叶宽1毫米长10毫米, 花五白瓣直径4毫米。叶可榨出油做药用。

这些盆景作品是野生材料估计最老的也有四五十年,来自马来西亚的两个地方 (1)刁曼岛附近的 Pulau Siribuat 岛顶(2)丁加奴海岸内一公里的远古沙滩地。天然形成的老舍利干和神枝,水线成扭转,成品盆景树极其像真柏。

Baeckea frutescens :Is a shrub can be found in China and SE Asia on hill and coastal area ,On low land it can grow up to 6 metres tall , but on island top they are old as low as 30cm with a mature bonsai look. Leave is 1mm broad &10mm long, white flower with 5 petals of 10mm diameter. Oil is extracted from the leaves for medicinal use.

These penjing trees  materials were from the wild ,  the oldest are about forty to fifty years old, came from

two places in Malaysia(1)  Island top of Pulau Sribuat near Pulau Tioman (2) Ancient sand beach inland about 1km from the coast of Terengganu . Came with natural sharikan and jin dead wood, the life line bark is twisted. Matured penjing is extremely resemblance to juniper.


黄花盾木Libidibia ferra